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Happy Easter and Happy Teeth

Updated: Sep 18, 2019

Take a look at these simple steps to ensure that everyone’s teeth stay healthy this Easter

Be creative and give chocolate alternatives to your kids this Easter!

Easter is just around the corner, and fun activities such as Easter Egg hunts are highlights of this coming Easter long weekend.

However, not only children but also adults end up eating more than their fair share of Easter eggs and sweets during this period.

Take a look at these simple steps to ensure that everyone’s teeth stay healthy this Easter:

  • Use moderation when enjoying their Easter treats and remember to continue your good oral health habits.

  • Have a sugar break the week before and the week after Easter, just to offset the sugar hits;

  • Try to restrict sweet treats to meal times, rather than snacking on them between meals;

  • Ensure children do not snack on sugary treats over a long period of time, as this prolongs the length of time that teeth are exposed to acid attacks;

  • Chocolate is not the only culprit. Avoid the following snacks that are marketed as ‘healthy’ but in fact, are high in sugar and get stuck in children’s teeth, leading to acid attacks which cause decay: Dried fruit, biscuits (sweet and savoury), fruit juice, muesli bars, crackers, breakfast cereals, flavoured milk, sweetened yoghurt, fruit bars, fruit slice, flavoured popcorn, canned fruit, baked goods (hot cross bun and cakes) and banana bread;

  • Ensure children brush their teeth thoroughly twice a day – don’t skip the critical bedtime brushing; and

  • Give children attractive alternatives such as toys, books or games – there are many other ways to have fun during Easter that do not involve only sweets.

In Australia, over half of six-year-olds have experienced tooth decay in their baby teeth and up to half of the 12-year-olds have experienced tooth decay in their permanent teeth. (1) Once a tooth undergoes decay, it usually requires a lifetime of management, not to mention physical discomfort, and also may impact on that person’s smile.

Enjoy the next school Holidays and bring the little ones for a check-up and clean (You can book your kid's appointment here). We will be more than happy to reinforce the importance of enjoying Easter treats with moderation and keeping a good oral care routine.


(1) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Oral health and dental care in Australia: Key facts and figures 2015

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